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Grant Cycle is
Holy Cross Foundation Grants
To help us evaluate your request fairly, please read the following:
1) The board would prefer all grant requestors be 501C3 organizations. The exception is the ministries of Holy
Cross, which already qualify under the church non-profit status. Please list 501C3 number on the grant application.
2) Any foreign grant requestors must be registered with a 501C3 tax exempt number and have a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church – Jenison as a sponsor.
3) Grants can be entered on the website at any time. The grant will only be reviewed during official granting periods, set by the Holy Cross Foundation Board.
4) The grant money should not be used for education, administration expenses and/or salaries. Administration expenses include travel, lodging and any other personal expenses.
5) The Holy Cross Foundation Scholarship is for eligible students who attend a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod university, with their studies concentrated in church work. They also must be in good standing with their university or institution, and must have a current member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Jenison to serve as their sponsor, if they are not a current member.
6) The granting cycle is open.
If your grant does not meet the above qualifications, it will not be considered for evaluation. You can send additional pictures or attachments directly to our email address at
[email protected]
Indicates required field
Name of Grant Requestor
Phone Number
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Grant Category
Christian Education
Community Outreach to support the caring winess of God's people.
Holy Cross - unanticipated needs
New Ministry
Relocation Costs of Holy Cross Staff
World Mission
Other - supports or expands the Christian Mission
What is the amount you are requesting?
List the $$ amount here of your request.
Explain Your Request.
Describe the goals or purpose of the project for which you are requesting a grant. Who will be served? How will the funds be used?
How many people will be impacted by this award?
Foundation Celebration
If grant is awarded, will you be able to participate in a Foundation Celebration?
Are you a prior recipient of a grant from Holy Cross Foundation?
Holy Cross Foundation or Holy Cross Church Sponsor
Please enter the name of the Holy Cross Foundation member or Holy Cross Lutheran Church member who is sponsoring or encouraging your grant request.
Please type your name in this space to consent your agreement to submit a written report describing the use of all funds received, should this request be selected as a recipient of funds.
About the Foundation
Grant Recipients
Grant Request Form
Sponsors and Donors
News and Events
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